I enjoyed this. That hotel looks like a fine spot in Tangiers. I've not been back for many years. Since first being drawn there by the writing of Paul Bowles. We had a rough time there back then - lots of hassle! But I do remember the excellent Swordfish we ate in a restaurant.

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Thanks Nicholas - Nord Pinus Tanger is owned by Anne Igou, the ex wife of Peter Lindbergh. She also owned Nort Pinus Arles, but this was sold. The building is great and beautiful, but it didn't radiate with joy. We stayed in a small place called Dar Nour, owned by a French couple and run by locals that were extremely nice and lively. Villa Mabrouka is owned by Jasper Conran: superb if you're in for a couple of days splurging.

Nothing rough in Tanger now; everything is spotlessly clean but still very authentic. Not at all like Marrakech lately...

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You take very pleasing, aesthetic pictures.

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Thanks Pablo, I'll tell Reinhilde!

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